Make it personal - post photos or content about the things you like (Pets, food, beaches, sports you participate in)
Include your daily habits
Collaborate on posts with friends or likeminded businesses
Show your products being used
Reviews on your service
If you want local customers show that you are local to the area
Show your face often (even if you're half hidden behind your product)
Post your colours - flowers, buildings, signs, fabrics, cars
Post my photos, tag me and I'll share your post
Tag brands, locations and people to expand your reach easily
If you're an expert in your field post tips
Don't make every post a sales post
Show emotion
I highly recommend using CANVA - the free version is great
FREE HEADSHOT Every week that I attend Social Ocean Networking on Tuesday mornings I will shoot 2 x free headshots for 5 minutes each - get on the list below or email [email protected]